3DS Quality Test Video

I recorded some gameplay on the 3DS, to see how it looks. It’s really meh.

Thanks for watching.

Wii U is Coming Out Soon

This post is gonna be short but I think is coming out this holiday season or early 2012. I say this because Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 is coming out for the Wii U. the new Harry Potter is coming out in July, it wouldn’t make sense to release a movie game a year after the movie.

Sorry for the short post and thanks for reading.

Steam on Wii U

I have an major prediction; Valve will bring Steam on the Wii U. I predict this because Valve said they always liked Nintendo and Nintendo says their online would be done by third-party and would be flexible to accommodate game companies’ wants and needs for online. If Valve releases a game on the Wii U, they will have Steam with it, like Portal 2 for the Playstation 3. I Think if Valve releases a game for all major gaming systems(including PC), there will cross-platform multiplayer for PS3, PC, and Wii U.(My bad writing)

This would be great, there won’t be any problems(I think).

Thanks for reading

How I Look in Animal Crossing

This is my Amimal Crossing character primary look. I have other outfits but this is the one I use the most. If I’m not in this outfit, I’m in Mario costume usually. My Minecraft character is based off this.

I might make an ID card with this picture or something.

sorry for the short post and thanks for reading.


I’m Looking For a Forum Plug-in

For the last few days, I have been looking for a forum or discussion plug-in for WordPress. Nobody will probably use, I want it because it will be there… I also have a chat box but I would have to add you as member for you to use it.

I would I want people to use the forum? Sure, why not

Sorry for the short post and Thanks for reading.

More Animal Crossing Tonight

Animal Crossing: City Folk

Image via Wikipedia

I played Animal Crossing some more today and tonight. I’ve been looking for more people to play with. I missed the days where I can just open my gate and a friend I added from a website or met in a different town would just go to my town, I didn’t have wait for hours(or half) for someone to post their friend code.

Thanks for reading.

Animal Crossing Tonight

Animal Crossing series logo

Image via Wikipedia

I played Animal Crossing: City Folk tonight. Animal Crossing is a game where you can’t stop playing(at least for me) because the game doesn’t really stop playing. I might take long breaks but I always come back to it. The game has a social-based(I’m probably misusing  that term) mulitplayer, you invite your friends over to your town(or the other way around) and you talk with each other, you can trade item, and play games, like hide and go-seek.

I also think Animal Crossing is a hard game to get introduce to(if you don’t know somebody who owns it), you really have to watch someone play it first, then you get interested in the game and you want to play it.(my bad writing)

Animal Crossing is filled with Nintendo memorabilia too!

Thanks for reading.

More Magicka Tonight

Yeah… more Magicka… This time I got a program that makes the game runs better. I got the program because Magicka would sometimes lag or the shadows will flash on and off, it was a little annoy. The game seemed better with the program.

I don’t usually don’t play games like this but Magicka is getting more fun for me.

Sorry for the short post and thanks for reading.

Magicka Tonight

Yeah… Magicka! I wasn’t playing to play that tonight but I found it had versus mode now and I wanted to try it out.

When I went online, I got beat really bad, I couldn’t stay on the map for 5 seconds…

I found out Magicka had local multiplayer this hold time but you needed to connect an Xbox 360 Controller first.

Sorry for the short post but thanks for reading.

Random Stuff Tonight

Yeah… I did random stuff tonight, like watch videos and look up old GameCude days and games. I also finished Portal 2 tonight. I did random stuff.

I don’t know what to say, I want to let’s plays.

sorry and thanks for reading.