Top 5 Video Games to Play in a Waiting Room

Waiting in a waiting room sucks. We all have our own way to pass the time. Lot of us read a magazine or a book. Sometimes we listen to our favorite songs. But lot of gamers pop out their Smart phone or Nintendo DS to play a quick game that can last ten minutes to 45 minutes.

These are my games to play in a waiting room!

English: An original Nintendo DS "Fat&quo...

English: An original Nintendo DS “Fat” in blue. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

5. Minecraft: Pocket Edition

One of the most popular PC and Xbox 360 games in the palm of your hand; what can get better than that? Minecraft: Pocket Edition offers the player a mini-version of Minecraft. It has both creative and survival. It has a lot smaller world and less items but there is still plenty of things you can do, which makes it prefect for waiting in a waiting room. You can use the time to build a giant castle or kill hundreds of creepers.

4. Any kind of 2D platformer.

I couldn’t decide what 2D platformer was my favorites. There are tons of good ones for the Gameboy, Nintendo DS, and smart phones; like Mario, and Kirby. You can beat many levels within your waiting time and still have tons to go. They are additive and a good time waster. My favorite one for Android is

3. WarioWare Series

All of the portable WarioWare games are great fun. You select a character, and you play the character’s “microgames”. They have tons of microgames, you will find time just flying by when playing WarioWare. My favorite one is WarioWare: Twisted for the Gameboy Advance. You might look weird playing it, but it’s super fun.

2. Pokemon

I want to be the very best like no one ever was DUN DUN DUNDUN

You will want to wait longer while playing this…

1. Tetris

At any time that I’m waiting, I pop out my smart phone and start playing Tetris. Everybody loves Tetris. There is no better game to play in waiting room than Tetris.

What are your favorite games to play while waiting in a waiting room?

Thanks for reading


  1. Pokemon came to mind 1st then I saw it at number 2 and I’m now happy. Very good post! lol

    • Thanks, Pokemon was the first thing that came to my head while coming up with the list.

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