Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)

Animal Crossing: New Leaf came out on June 9th in America. This is the 4th Animal Crossing game to come to America. Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a virtual life game published by Nintendo.

Like previous Animal Crossing games, you are new villager moving into a town filled with human-like animals and you live a new life. There is a major difference in New Leaf. You are the new mayor of the town you move in. Instead of being enslaved by the fat raccoon, Tom Nook, at the beginning, and he made you go through the tutorial of the game. In New Leaf the tutorial is optional, you just have to talk to Isabella(your secretary) if you want to go through the tutorial. You should, you get free stuff and a new fruit.

OK... I did get...Animal Crossing: New Leaf

OK… I did get…Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Photo credit: kndynt2099)

Your character is taller and can wear different pants, skirts, or dresses, instead of 1 outfit like in the previous Animal Crossing games. You can hang stuff on the walls of your house, and you can even decorate how your house looks on the outside.

With your new role as mayor, you can set up town projects and 1 ordinance. Town projects is a new way to customize your town. You can build new bridges, street lamps, benches, and many other random buildings. An ordinance changes how your town behaves, like Night Owl where every business and villager are up later.

For the first couple of days in the game, you feel limited, and more than you should. If you don’t want to time travel in the game, you will get bored of this game in the beginning. Well… That’s my only complaint of the game….

All of these new changes to the game is a huge welcome to the series. If you were getting tired of Animal Crossing ports on every system, this is a sequel not a port. If you are looking for a new game for the 3DS, get this. This is one of the best games for the 3DS.

I recommend this game to anybody that wants more fun in their life.

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Miiverse on Web Browser

Nintendo had finally launched Miiverse on web browsers. This means you can get Miiverse on your computers, cell phones, tablets, or anything that has a web browser; this includes the 3DS. You can view posts, “yeah” posts, and leave comments. You cannot post, Private message(PM), and add friends. I do find it funny that you can report people instead. You can visit Miiverse at Miiverse.Nintendo.Net

Image representing Nintendo as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase


I don’t like the current state it is in, you can’t really socialize as much. Yes you can add comments to posts, but that’s about it. They don’t have to add posting, but I would like to have messaging. If you are an artist on Miiverse, you can now go to the post with the art, copy it, then share it on any site. This also works with screen-shots. 

That’s my favorite part, because I can now show off my BIG MASS OF CTHULHU!


Thanks for reading. 😀

Luigi’s Manison: Dark Moon Gameplay

This is more of a quality test video. Video recorded from Flipcam. Audio directly from the 3DS. If anybody has any low-budget tips to make the quality better, they would be greatly appreciated.

EarthBound and Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past 2

There was a new Nintendo Direct yesterday. They gave some new details to games that are coming out soon, like they always do. Nintendo always has 1 or 2 major announcements on these shows. This one didn’t disappoint.

Earthbound is finally coming to the American Virtual Console.This has been one of the most requested games to be released on American Virtual Console, Nintendo has finally listened to the fans via Miiverse. Thank You, Miiverse Miis. EarthBound will be released later this year for the American and European Wii U virtual Console.

Everybody’s favorite Nintendo announcements, A NEW ZELDA GAME! Nintendo has announced a squeal to the Classic SNES game, Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past. Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past 2 will be in same world from A Link to The Past, but it will have a new original story and dungeons. It will have a top down look, like in the original, but in 3D, to add hight and depth for puzzles. There is a Video on the 3DS e-Shop to see how the 3D visuals work. Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past 2 will be released for 3DS by this holiday season.

Image from

Mario Kart 7 (3DS)

Nintendo‘s racing game is now on the 3DS. Mario Kart 7 is well… the seventh game in the series. Mario Kart 7 adds gliding and underwater driving. You can now customize your karts with different bodies, wheels, and gliders, to changes the stats. For online, you can form and join communities, to set-up easy races and battles with your friend.

Mario Kart 7 doesn’t add too much to the series, the gliding and underwater driving doesn’t seem like a big change because if you played Mario Kart before, I think you’ll get it down naturally. The character roster is kinda disappointing, because some characters that you think will be in the game, aren’t. There are gyro controls, much like the Wii controls, but I found them to work for most of time but I preferred the normal controls.

The game is as great as all of the other Mario Kart games. The online is same as the Wii, plus communities; it’s great. I think the customizable karts add more strategy to the game, trying to find the kart that’s just right for your favorite character.

The game is great, like all the other Mario Karts but Mario Kart 7 doesn’t add much. I do recommend you getting the game, because it’s fun and it will be a good game to add to your 3DS collection.

Thanks for reading.

My predictions for Nintendo in 2012

Will Nintendo fall even more or have even more hit consoles? who knows? I don’t think 2011 was a good year for Nintendo because the unsuccessful launch of the 3DS. The stock fell because the 3DS and the stock-holders wanted Nintendo to develop apps for the iPhone and iPad. I also thought how they introduce the Wii U was bad because many people just thinks it’s a table for the Wii.

I will predict what might happen to Nintendo or what they might do. I will make my predictions on different facts, other people’s predictions, and my opinion. These are just my predictions, they might not happen.



Image via Wikipedia


  • The Wii U comes out from the summer to the Holiday season but the launch won’t be as successful as Nintendo wants it to be.
  • The 3DS becomes more successful.
  • Trailers of the new Smash Bros. games will come out but the games won’t come out that year.
  • The Wii U will be priced at $350.
  • Nintendo will have slightly better year in 2012.

Thanks for reading.

The GBA Ambassador games are coming out tomorrow (or should)

The Ten free GBA games for the Ambassador program are coming out tomorrow, 12/16/11 (they should). I tried the glitch that happened with NES games, where you could get the games 1 day early, but it didn’t work. I can’t wait for these games, they are great.

English: A Nintendo 3DS in Aqua Blue, photo ta...

Image via Wikipedia


The games are

They have games from many of their series, that’s awesome! This will also complete my Mario Kart Collection and I think WarioWare too.

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Club Nintendo downloadable games

You can exchange your coins you earn for 3DS and Wii games from the online shops. I have to say thats pretty good deal, you just have to register 2 Wii games or if you are part the Ambassador program and register your 3DS before the games came out, you can take all the post-play survey to get Mario Kart. The games are the lower costing compare to the other things on Club Nintendo. (my bad writing)

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Pokemon Rumble…

Today I played Pokemon Rumble….

When I first heard about Pokemon Rumble, I wanted a lot. I waited for weeks… maybe months… I got it the first day it game and played for hours. I was surprised when I cost me 1500 Wii Points. I remember reading the Gamefaqs Message bored for passwords to unlock Pokemon. Nintendo really wanted this games to sell, they had a TV commercial for it; that’s the first time I ever saw a commercial for a download game. (My bad writing)

It’s 2 years later and it got a sequel. I don’t have it right now but probably will soon. I like the fact it has all generations of Pokemon. I can’t wait to play it.

Pokemon Rumble Gameplay

Thanks for reading.

3DS Wheel

Do you know how Nintendo made a Wii Wheel for Mario Kart Wii; they are making a 3DS Wheel for Mario Kart 7. I think this is kinda impractical because when you turn the wheel, you will be turning the screen. I won’t be getting the wheel, not because turning of the screen but because I don’t like driving in first-person in games and the wheel mode is in first-person.

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